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Friday, September 11, 2009

LOL... Haven Post any things for the past two months... today
wake up sibei sian lo... Ytd slp at kenneth hse over night then
at night we wake up play com lo... in the end tio caught by his
father twice... was lyk kinda funny lo ^^ there at night hungry
we cooked tgt then the father wake up agn lo -.- total is three
times liao... lol then the father talk lyk so funny liddat ==''
wanted to laugh de lo but cant lah later tio scolded... slp at bout
3am liddat then morning bout 7am liddat got ppl call kenneth
then i wake up liao... haiz then whole day dota lo... the day was

Blogged @ 6:14 PM
Don't let me go -

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Zzz... bored -..- lol... days are getting more n more bored wonder
wat can be done to reduce my boredom n btw there was a china boy
in our class tat just joined in tis week... he was 15 tis year n tho he
was from china but the english he speak seem to be better than mi
=..= lol n today he asked mi if there is any remedial for mi to attend
i tot he was lyk a bit siao then he told mi he go home damn bored
nth to do than wan to do smth then i tell mi go join john for the
remedial lo... then i tink he really go liao =.= haiz bored
bored bored bored bored bored!!!

Blogged @ 2:43 PM
Don't let me go -

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Zz... today first day in KL =.= so sian... reach KL bout 12pm liddat then i go eat lunch wif my uncle auntie... then after tat go shopping mall shop shop lor ^^ then nite liao 7 pm liddat tat then go home lor...boring lor =.= haiz... btw ytd i injured my leg -.- cause i ride motor then turning part i BREAK too fast then fall down... fall liao i stand up n smile to my cousin then my cousin scold mi siao -.- lol

Blogged @ 2:40 AM
Don't let me go -

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Today same as yesterday 7+ wake up le then sit on sofa v bored cause
got nth to do... after tat at 8+ liddat i go ken hse find him then he
playing then i slp at his bed listening to music =.= at 12 i wake up play
com bout 2 hrs liddat then i n ken go out... he call mi pei mi go to
the nearest 7-11 to Maple Prepaid Card then we go buy bbtea after
n go back to his house ... on the way to his home i lyk got a bit giddy
giddy n nearly fall on to the grass luckily got a pole beside i hold on to
it n balance myself n did not fall down ^^ then reached his house at 2+
also cause we buy v fast then he play maple lor =.= till 4pm then i also
play... 7 pm liddat then went home le... then i had my dinner alone=/=

Blogged @ 7:05 PM
Don't let me go -

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Today i 7+ wake up le =.= then v bored i go watch dvd. . .
watch till 10 liddat i go find my frenz lor then he take
cane wan beat me then we play play tgt =/= bout 12.30
liddat i go library meet with HweeBoon n sirin then 2+ then
anisah also got come. . . after tat bout 4.15 liddat we went to
Mac eat ice-cream ^^ then finish le anisah went home lor
then left mi with hweeboon n sirin. . . i walk them home
after tat n went home liao. . . then v bored cause got nth to
do le. Haiz. . .

Blogged @ 5:45 PM
Don't let me go -

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Today i wake up . the first thing i do is to bath ... wah
the water damn cold siol , i wan trembling when i
get out of the bathroom=/= then i got nth to do @.@
then bout 11 liddat my fren kenneth jio mi go his hse
then he go slp left mi alone play com , then i played till
5++ then he wake up le =.= lol , then he play lor , he play
play play then the com hang , then he sian liao n go slp
agn and i was left alone wif the com agn == diaoz ...
then nitez i go home le .. then now he was left alone
wif the com liao ^^

Blogged @ 6:21 PM
Don't let me go -

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

LOL today is my chinese ^^ nothing to fear about de lor ...
today de chinese paper i 30min finish le =.=''
then nth to do i go slp ... lol but got two question i dunno
how to do -.- cause i dunno how to write the word n
4 marks is gone liddat -.- wish to score A1 lor ^^ hah

Blogged @ 1:48 PM
Don't let me go -