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Sunday, May 24, 2009

Today same as yesterday 7+ wake up le then sit on sofa v bored cause
got nth to do... after tat at 8+ liddat i go ken hse find him then he
playing then i slp at his bed listening to music =.= at 12 i wake up play
com bout 2 hrs liddat then i n ken go out... he call mi pei mi go to
the nearest 7-11 to Maple Prepaid Card then we go buy bbtea after
n go back to his house ... on the way to his home i lyk got a bit giddy
giddy n nearly fall on to the grass luckily got a pole beside i hold on to
it n balance myself n did not fall down ^^ then reached his house at 2+
also cause we buy v fast then he play maple lor =.= till 4pm then i also
play... 7 pm liddat then went home le... then i had my dinner alone=/=

Blogged @ 7:05 PM
Don't let me go -

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Today i 7+ wake up le =.= then v bored i go watch dvd. . .
watch till 10 liddat i go find my frenz lor then he take
cane wan beat me then we play play tgt =/= bout 12.30
liddat i go library meet with HweeBoon n sirin then 2+ then
anisah also got come. . . after tat bout 4.15 liddat we went to
Mac eat ice-cream ^^ then finish le anisah went home lor
then left mi with hweeboon n sirin. . . i walk them home
after tat n went home liao. . . then v bored cause got nth to
do le. Haiz. . .

Blogged @ 5:45 PM
Don't let me go -

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Today i wake up . the first thing i do is to bath ... wah
the water damn cold siol , i wan trembling when i
get out of the bathroom=/= then i got nth to do @.@
then bout 11 liddat my fren kenneth jio mi go his hse
then he go slp left mi alone play com , then i played till
5++ then he wake up le =.= lol , then he play lor , he play
play play then the com hang , then he sian liao n go slp
agn and i was left alone wif the com agn == diaoz ...
then nitez i go home le .. then now he was left alone
wif the com liao ^^

Blogged @ 6:21 PM
Don't let me go -

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

LOL today is my chinese ^^ nothing to fear about de lor ...
today de chinese paper i 30min finish le =.=''
then nth to do i go slp ... lol but got two question i dunno
how to do -.- cause i dunno how to write the word n
4 marks is gone liddat -.- wish to score A1 lor ^^ hah

Blogged @ 1:48 PM
Don't let me go -

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

today is tuesday which is also my math paper two exam !!!
lol, today i went to toilet for three times doing nth inside=/=
and tis make mi cant finish my math paper two -.-
i was at last two question le but teacher called us
to stop writing then bo bian has to stop there
hopefully i can get above 75% for my math paper two
Wish mi good luck ^^

Blogged @ 11:00 AM
Don't let me go -

Thursday, May 7, 2009

haiz have not been posting post for four days le having exam is a
big big stress T.T tis few days under alot of stress becuz
of those stupid exam =.='' lol today geograhpy paper i got alot
of question dunno how to do n anyhow write down all sort of
answer lor dunno if i can pass anot . exspecially english is my
weakest subject if i can pass my
english is cfm by luck de lor ... lol haiz sad siol

Blogged @ 4:10 PM
Don't let me go -

Sunday, May 3, 2009

V sowwi no post today ^^ haha wan to know ask me personally

Blogged @ 6:50 PM
Don't let me go -

haiz tml is chinese paper 1 T.T i felt so stress. Sob sob.

Blogged @ 5:28 PM
Don't let me go -

Saturday, May 2, 2009

i neglect my dar n went to malaysia T.T i felt v guilty now

Blogged @ 11:55 AM
Don't let me go -

Finally my blog is almost done le >< haha

Blogged @ 11:53 AM
Don't let me go -